Process: Record a home study
The disposition reflects your, as the home study assessor, final conclusions concerning the home study, that is, whether the provider is accepted by the agency, the home study is closed, or the provider is denied. You must explain in the disposition any negative results, including any rule violations.
As you record the disposition, you also run the home study validation process, in which the system ensures that all tasks and records are complete. The home study information must be complete before it can be submitted for approval.
Record a home study disposition as follows:
From the Maintain Home Study Information screen, click the Disposition link. The Disposition Details screen appears.
Select Yes or No to the two questions that appear at the top of the screen. If you select Yes to either question, enter an explanation in the text field below the question.
Select a disposition status in the Disposition field, then enter the date in the Disposition Date field.
If you selected Closed or Denied in the Disposition field, you must also:
Complete the fields in the Reasons Disposition Closed or Denied area.
Click the Link Rule Violations link and connect this home study to a rule violation.
Click Save. You are returned to the Maintain Home Study Information screen.
Click Validate for Approval. The system determines whether all tasks and records have been completed on the home study. Any records that need to be completed appear on the Unresolved Tasks list. This list is empty if all tasks have been completed.
Click Close to return to the Maintain Home Study Information screen.
Complete any tasks listed on the Unresolved Tasks list, then repeat steps 5 and 6. When the home study passes validation, you can submit it for approval.
Click Next Task below to continue with the home study.