Work assignments

This screen allows you to assign or transfer work items. The system initially assigns cases and providers automatically. Subsequent provider and case assignments are accomplished manually.

A work item may be assigned to more than one worker at a time. It may also be assigned to more than one agency; however, the ownership of the work item is retained by the primary agency. If another agency is to retain ownership, you transfer the work item.  If you are assigning a workload, for example, if a worker goes on an extended leave, the system allows you to reassign the whole workload or just parts of it.

The Edit link opens the assignment details screen, from which you can view or change the assignment. The Transfer link allows you to transfer ownership of the work item to another agency. The Assign button allows you to assign the selected work items to another worker or supervisor.

The Assign by Geographical Designation button allows you to assign the work item to a worker or supervisor with the same designation as the work item. This button is enabled only for supervisors and screening and inquiry decision makers. You can assign multiple work items by geographical designation if the work items share the same geographical designation.

How do I...

View worker assignments and roles

Assign a work item or workload

Change a worker's role on an assignment

End a worker assignment

Transfer a work assignment

Re-route or recall a work item

Use administrative case assignment functionality


Fields on this screen



[CF10 s01]