Placement decision process

This screen allows you to view, add, or update pre-staffing conference details for each child in the adoptive case. The initial pre-adoptive staffing conference is a formal meeting scheduled soon after (within 45 days) the agency is granted permanent custody of a child. The conference includes workers on the child's original case, workers on the child's adoption case, and others invited as needed, who plan the transfer of the case.

A pre-adoptive staffing record must be completed for each child in the adoption case. Each child has only one initial pre-adoptive staffing record, and any number of subsequent updates. Updates are based on reviews completed after the initial meeting.

The child name link opens a table that lists the initial pre-staffing record, as well as any subsequent updates. The Add Child button allows you to establish an initial pre-adoptive staffing record. It is disabled once a pre-adoptive staffing record has been created for each child in the case.

The Copy link allows you to record an update. You can enter an update only when the Generate Notices box has been selected on the JFS 01690 Distribution tab, indicating that the initial record is complete.

How do I...

View pre-adoptive staffing details

Record pre-adoptive staffing details

Record a placement decision

Print a JFS 01690 report

Related policies

5101:2-48-16 Adoption preplacement and placement procedures  

5101:2-48-13 Non-discrimination requirements for adoptive placements



[CM20d s01]