This screen allows you to select the criteria of payment requests so you can organize them to break out your payments so to eventually add to or create a roster showing that your agency disbursed payment. Once you refine your search, the payments appear in the Payment Requests Search Results table.
A payment requests roster organizes payment requests ready for payment into logical groupings for ease of validation and approval. At the highest level, rosters are organized according to the fiscal worker. Beyond that level, rosters are organized according to the practices of your agency. This screen allows you to search for, and group them by category and type for instance.
Individual payments that display in the results table can be selected to append to an existing roster, or create a new roster.
Once you select the payments, the Option drop down field at the bottom, right of the screen is selected to give you options to use all the payments from your search results to create a new roster for these payments, or from the ones you selected, you can exclude the payments, or delete them.
From the Options field, you can select the option to review invalid payments the systems generate automatically when specific details within the record is changed, which may change the payments amount. See [about identifying invalid payments].
Create a payment requests roster
Append payment requests roster
5101:2-47-23 Beginning date of reimbursability for foster care maintenance
5101:2-47-15 Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: authorization for foster care maintenance and auxiliary payment reimbursements
[FM06 s02]