Process: Record a home study
During the course of the home study, you are required to make at least three assessment visits to the home. These visits are recorded on the provider activity log. (See Update the provider activity log.) Then they are linked to the home study record. When they are linked, the activity log records become part of the home study record.
Link the record of an assessment visit to a home study as follows:
From the Maintain Home Study Information screen, click the Assessment Visits link. The Maintain Linked Assessment Visits screen appears. Any visits that have already been linked to this home study are listed in the table.
Click Link Visits. The Activity Log Filter Criteria screen appears. It lists the activity records in which "Face-to-Face Visit with Provider(s)" is the contact type.
If the visit does not appear in the list, click Add Activity Log and add the activity log record. After you add the record, it will appear on the list screen for selection.
Select the check box next to each visit record you want to link to the home study.
Click Link Visits. You are returned to the Maintain Linked Assessment Visits screen.
Click Save. You are returned to the Home Study Information screen.
Click Next Task below to continue with the home study.