Process: Record basic provider information
For an ODJFS provider, the address is usually entered on the original provider inquiry record. It can be updated via the Basic Provider Information (Name, Household Member, Address and Contact, Caregiver) link on the home study record. You can only access this link if the home study is still in "Pending" status. If the home study is approved, you must create a new home study record. (See Record a home study.) For a non-ODFJS provider, the address can be updated via the Provider Information link on the Provider Overview screen.
You can enter the provider's primary address, as well as other types of secondary addresses. Only one address of a particular type may be in effect at a time. The system automatically end-dates an existing address record if you add a new address of the same type. The address history reflects all of a provider's address changes.
When you change a provider's address, the system sends a notification to the worker(s) assigned to the provider.
Record the provider's address as follows:
Click the Address tab. The Provider Address screen appears.
Click the Edit link to update the address type and effective date. The Provider Address Details screen appears.
For a new address, click Add Address, then search for and select the address if it is in the system, or add a new address record and click Save. You are returned to the Provider Address Details screen.
Complete the fields on this screen.
Click the Primary Address check box if this is the address that should appear on all correspondence and documentation and the address to which all mail is sent.
Click OK. You are returned to the Provider Address tab.
Click Next Task below to continue.