Process: Record a provider inquiry
Potential providers learn of an agency's needs through various sources, which are tracked in Ohio SACWIS. You can select from a pre-defined list of referral sources, write a narrative describing the inquirer's interest, and/or select one or more recruitment events.
Indicate how the applicant was referred to the agency as follows:
Click the Referral Sources tab. The Referral Sources screen appears.
Select the applicable source(s) from the Available Referral Sources list box on the left, then click Add>>. You can select more than one. The source(s) you selected appear in the Selected Referral Sources list box on the right. For example, a couple may have been recruited from a community fair, or a kinship provider may be self-referred.
Further describe how the applicant became aware of the agency in the Description field.
If the applicant learned of the agency from a recruitment, click Add Event, then locate and select the recruitment event. The Recruitment Event Filter Criteria screen appears. Once you select the event, you are returned to the Referral Sources screen.
Click Next Task below to continue.