Process: Record a home study
Before proceeding with the home study, verify that the information collected so far about this provider is correct. This information is usually collected during the initial inquiry.
From the Home Study Information screen, click the Basic Provider Information link. The Basic tab of the Provider Name Information screen appears. It displays the provider type, to which this home study applies, and the provider status.
On the Basic tab, verify the provider's name, provider type, and status.
To make a correction to the provider status, click the Edit link next to the record, update the field(s) on that record, then click OK to return to the Basic tab.
Click the Address tab and verify the provider's address and contact information. To make a correction, click the Edit link next to the record, update the field(s) on that record, then click OK to return to the Address tab.
Click the Members tab and verify the provider's household members and the provider's marital status.
Click the Edit Person link next to the provider's name. The Person Profile record appears.
Make sure that the person profile record is up-to-date.
Basic tab: The social security number and date of birth should be completed.
Demographics tab: The race, ethnicity, language, and marital status should be completed.
Add'l tab: The highest level of education should be completed.
Employment link: Current employment and income information should be completed.
(See Record basic provider information, Record a person profile, or Record a financial profile for more assistance.)
If you made updates to the person profile, click Save to return to the Members tab on the provider record. If not, click Cancel.
Click the Caregivers tab and verify information about the provider's caregivers. To make a correction, click the Edit link next to the record, update the field(s) on that record, then click OK to return to the Caregivers tab. Or click Add Care Giver to create a new caregiver record.
Click the Capacity tab and verify information about the available number of beds and service limits.
Click Save if you made updates or Cancel to return to the Maintain Home Study Information screen.
Click Next Task below to continue with the home study.