This screen reflects a history of each time the child was determined eligible or ineligible for federally funded programs under Title IV-E. These programs include Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) and Adoption Assistance (AA) payments for eligible children in temporary or permanent custody of a Title IV-E agency or a private adoption agency.
This screen also displays a history of each time reimbursability was determined. Payments under the IV-E program are used to reimburse the agency for its costs when the child is deemed reimbursable. You redetermine a child's reimbursability annually or whenever there's a change in the child's circumstances that may affect reimbursability. In this situation, you receive a tickler asking you to redetermine reimbursability. The system generates a new reimbursability record in "Pending" status.
The Edit or View link allows you to open the determination record, while the Delete link allows you to delete the record. You can edit or delete an eligibility record in "Pending" status. No changes may be made to an eligibility record in "Complete" status, although it may be copied, via the Copy link, or terminated. The Add Eligibility and Add Reimbursability buttons create new records in the system for determining eligibility or reimbursability. You cannot add a new determination record if there is an existing record in "Pending" status.
The system automatically creates new records in two instances:
The system automatically
creates an eligibility record in "Pending" status when Yes
is selected in the Initial Agency
Custody Episode field on the Agency Legal Status Details screen
on the child's person profile. (See Record
a child's legal status.)
The system automatically deletes this "Pending" eligibility
determination record if a worker indicates that the linked agency
legal status record on the person profile was created in error. However,
if custody is terminated before the agency receives a judicially determined
custody type, the pending eligibility determination record must be
deleted manually.
The system automatically creates a reimbursability record in "Pending" status when eligibility is determined, the status on the eligibility record is changed to "Complete," and the child is determined to be IV-E eligible.
View a child's eligibility and reimbursability histories
Determine eligibility for IV-E
Determine reimbursability for IV-E
Copy a IV-E FCM eligibility record
Invalidate a IV-E FCM eligibility record
Delete an eligibility determination record
Terminate a child's IV-E eligibility
Terminate a child's legal status
5101:2-47-14 Foster care maintenance program eligibility: ADC-relatedness
[FM20 s02]