Intake workload

This screen is where you add intakes and where you access them during various stages of process. There are various options to help locate specific intakes within the workload based on status, category, priority, screener, time remaining to save a screening decision, and so on. (See About the intake workload).

The header also displays a View By field that lists options for which you can select to filter and view by those filters. Once a view by filter is selected, the quantity of the filtered intakes will display above the intake workload.

The intake workload list displays intakes currently in process by default. Use the View By drop down list in the header to filter the workload list. Each intake is divided by column. The Claimed By column displays the name of the person currently processing the intake. If the column is blank, then you have claimed the intake. (See About Claimed Intakes).  

All intakes display links in the furthest column on the left of each row; and the Intake ID/Screen Priority column displays the intake ID as a link. Additional links may also appear in an intake's Category, and Status columns. Refer to the table below to see the action of each link:


Left Column


Link Action



Opens the intake as read-only.





Opens the intake for editing.



Lets you record the screening decision.


Screening decision recorded

Lets you link the intake to a case.




Intake ID


Link Action



Opens the intake as read-only.




Category Column


Link Action

County Priority 1, 2 or 3

Screened In AR

Screened In

Opens the intake to the Decision Details screen.




Status Column


Link Action



Opens the intake as read-only to the Return Remarks for Intake screen.


Intake Workload Icons

The furthest column on the right of each intake displays icons:


How do I...

View the intake workload

Record an intake

Record the Intake Decision and Assessment

View an intake record

Link an intake

Delete an intake


[IN12 s01]