This screen allows you to view, add, or update a person's address(es), as well as phone numbers and email addresses. The first table display the person's current address record(s). The View Address History link displays a history of address changes. The Add Address button allows you to add a new address. The Search Address button allows you to find an address that is already in the system and view the persons associated with that address.
The second table displays the person's current telephone number(s) and email address(es). The Add Phone/Email button allows you record a new telephone number of email address record.
Find an address and persons associated
View a person's address history
Correct a person's phone number or email address
Change a person's primary address
Reactivate a person's old address
5101:2-36-01 Intake and screening process
5101:2-33-23 Case records for children services
5101:2-42-18 PCSA and PCPA approval of placements with relative & non-relative substitute caregivers
5101:2-42-18.1 Non-discrimination requirements for foster care placement
5101:2-42-90 Information to be provided to children, caregivers, school districts & juvenile courts
5101:2-33-21 Intrastate & interstate referral procedures for children's protective services
5101:2-52-08 Interstate placement requirements for Ohio parents, legal guardians, or private entities when placing a child into another state or territory for adoption.
[PM01f s01]